
After, the, party was the mast degrading, and wierd situation.
I v|as ever caught in .Paula Dixon had already left,but everyone else was still, there.This was because we had set up- a carpool hoir:g.,and Paula already had a ride ♦.For whatever reason„our car-? .| pocjl was lr.te8apd we. were hanging arouitd Linda* s house until midnight.Her parents had already ieft for the rest of the night,
so that was no problen.Everything was yust perfeact.In fact,I
wasjr getting readt to seriously discuss something until the tvra. cars came to pick us up.We even, started talking about movies.
We were all loiling around on. couchs and chairs,and because of my position,I was looking straight at.the ceiling and didn* t notice what everyone else was doing.I had no idea whether or not they were setting fire to my shoe or what,so I just went on talking about this, one movie that I saw about seventy-three times called The Stunt Man.Finally.after about ten minutes,ILlooked up and at Linda and William.They were all laid out hugging and kissing.Then I. thought,' They do that all the time.' I didn't think that of anyone else,so I lookpd at them too..They were, all doing the same thing.I would be too,hut where, was Paula Dixon when I really needed her?I slowly walked .out the front door and stqod out side. The situation had finally gotten to me.My ride was: a half hour late, and now.: I was getting mad .about it."Where are those bastards?"! said with as much dignity as possible.I didn*t think I said it very loud,but the words ended up going all over the. place,and,had there been anyone around to hear it, I'd probably have gone back inside.lt seemed like forever until thdy came,so I walked ,out to the main road and got a cab,but not without leaving a no te first,even, though I almost forgot..
I guess,this, one small incident doesn't really matter and will matter even.less:; in the future,at least to other people.! think tonight will be a proverb,or a parable,to the rest of my life.
I called Paula up the next day and told her all about w.hat^
happened*She felt so bad about it,that she. said she would taka me to the mall at her expense.I figured I didn't have anything
m * - ——
to lose,so I went along with her to the local mall,which was
- Author
- mark thomas